What is Astrology?

Astrology is the study of how light changes as time moves through space.

Life is a dance of dynamic elements. Your mind and body are composed of the same stuff as stars, planets, plants and poetry. 

Your astrological birth chart is a map of karma, showing potentials and probabilities. Careful study of this map illuminates your innate superpowers and natural limitations.

When you Consult the Cosmos, we can see the precise timing of major and minor cycles and access otherwise hidden insights into the wisest way to navigate significant transitions.

All we need is your date, time and location of your birth, so we can create a 3D map of your precise place in time and space.

The Map is Not the Territory

Studying your unique map of planets and stars can reveal profound insight into your innate nature, your shine and shadow, and your soul-level learning objectives in this lifetime.

However, as Lao-Tzu said: to know and not act is not to know. Knowledge itself is insufficient for transformation.

When you Consult the Cosmos, you will walk away with concrete invitations for simple, impactful practices that will help you heal psychic scars and amplify your best qualities so that you can be the person you came to Earth to be with greater ease, joy and freedom.

How It Works:

  1. You decide you want to Consult the Cosmos. Well done. Smart move.

  2. You complete the brief intake form below, including the precise day, time and location of your birth. If you don't know the exact time, say so and give your best guess. We can fine-tune it together during our session.

  3. Upon submitting the intake form, you are redirected to the payment portal. I block off 3 hours for each session. The first hour is $240. After that, if we're not done yet and you'd like to keep going, I request an additional donation of $33 for every additional 20-minutes.

  4. Once payment is submitted, you'll be invited into the coaching portal where you can schedule your session and fill out the in-depth intake form.

  5. At the appointed time, we meet, chat and go deep online via Zoom (default) or in-person at Archipelago in Denver.

  6. Afterwards, you receive the video and audio recordings, as well as images of your Vedic charts, a summary of recommendations and relevant links.

Initial Intake Form