Internal Family Solar Systems

Samadhi Yoga Denver

Sunday, November 03, 2024

2:00 - 5:00p

Befriend your inner critic. Illuminate your natural limitations. Nourish your inner child. Activate your secret superpowers.

Internal Family Systems is an elegant, evidence-based therapeutic model which presumes that the psyche of each individual is, just like the physical body, an innately whole organism composed of many parts.

Putting theory into practice, this interactive presentation provides easy access to profound perspectives that will expand and deepen the intimacy of your connection with the whole cosmos.

You will walk away with simple, impactful practices to befriend the many parts that compose your own mind, leading to greater peace, joy and freedom as you navigate the complex of inner and outer relationships that define the quality of your life. 

"I feel like a renewed person.
I have my dignity back. I am reconnected to my own power source. It’s working!

"One year I’ve been with you and my life has changed. I can’t imagine how much momentum I’ll have after another year.

"I feel like I can dream and achieve and set goals again.

- Sarneet Kaur

hope inspiration woman nature

Hi, my name is Dave.

I am a cis white hetero man of Scottish and Canadian heritage born in North Carolina in 1986.

I grew up in Virginia, Japan and Minnesota. I graduated high school in Connecticut and have a Bachelor's degree in English & Creative Writing from the George Washington University in D.C.

I have lived many years of my life in spiritual and permaculture communities in California, Scotland and Portugal.

I have been living on the Front Range of Colorado since 2011, practicing Āyurvedic medicine and Vedic Astrology full-time since 2016.

I have navigated my own mental health challenges since childhood, which is why I have sought out a wide spectrum of tools and techniques to help others do the same. 

My worldview is informed by Internal Family Systems, Non-Violent Communication and the Nature-based Map of the Human Psyche.

I aspire to live in the spirit of unconditional positive regard, seeking to understand myself and others as irreplaceable parts of the larger whole, inextricably interwoven within the web of all beings.

More than anything, I love to connect with others to explore the vast potential of what is possible in this "one wild and precious life.

Get 1:1 Guidance

Get started with a free Connection Session and receive ongoing support on your journey. Every course includes at least one 1:1 session, and the annual plan provides a monthly check in.

Nerd Out

Dive deep into a wide-range of interconnected topics, including Internal Family Systems, Dreamcraft, nature-based psychology & spirituality and the realms of myth, metaphor & story.

Connect at Your Convenience

Course content is available on-demand to accommodate your calendar. 1:1 sessions are available virtually anywhere in the world or at Dave's office in downtown Denver, Colorado.