Welcome to the World of Inner Physics
Inner Physics provides simple, scientific explanations and practical, personal applications to help you experience the natural fact that you are inextricably interwoven within the web of all beings.
Are you:
- Feeling disconnected from Nature and your true nature?
- Doing battle with a vicious inner critic?
- Trapped in a repeating loop of relationship patterns?
- Confused by consistent miscommunications at home, at work, with the world?
- Ready to finally befriend every part of yourself and decode the subtle secrets of your psyche?
Take a Step Towards
Ease, Compassion & Wisdom
In the Inner Physics Starter Kit, you get:
- Direct techniques to awaken the wisdom living latent within you.
- Instantly applicable tools to soften your internal tone and improve your external relationships.
- The skills to identify and befriend the many Parts that make up your specific psychological system.
- Specific vocabulary to describe deep feelings, name valid needs and make skillful requests.
- Accurate archetypal maps to help you navigate your constellation of Parts and get to the center of gravity that is your authentic Self.
If you are...
...committed to a path of personal growth...
...interested in enhancing your emotional intelligence...
...eager to deepen and expand your Self-awareness...
...ready to refine or redefine significant relationships...
...called to connect with the cosmic wisdom that wants to be embodied through you...
...then the Inner Physics Starter Kit will be of tremendous value to you
(even though it's free).
The Starter Kit includes:
- An hour-long introduction to the core principles and practical applications of Internal Family Solar Systems.
- The Multi Dimensional Essentials mini-course — a six-hour masterclass in metaphysics broken down into bite-size videos exploring the nature of Nature and explaining how the subtle stuff of consciousness densifies into material reality. This is the math and science behind why IFSS is such a powerful modality.
- Access to the Inner Physics Forum — a collective of seekers and Self-healers sharing support, accountability and camaraderie, plus monthly live Q&A with Veda Dave.
Internal Family Solar Systems is an innovative approach to Self-healing.
It combines evidence-based therapeutic techniques and compassionate communication strategies with universal archetypes to illuminate your inner world, update old stories and create consistent access to calm, clarity and confidence.
One System, Many Parts
A "system" is defined as "any entity whose parts relate to one another in a pattern." As it is, the universe has one comprehensive coordinating system — the same forces that organize galaxies and atoms also define your psyche.
Like your body, your mind is a whole organism composed of many parts. This is healthy, natural, as it should be. And! as with any complex system, the turbulence of merely existing sometimes knocks certain parts out of place, disrupting the smooth functioning of the whole.
The basic goal of Internal Family Solar Systems is to identify all the vital parts and help them Self-organize into harmonious, functional relationships with one another.
No Bad Planets
Every planet is a divine archetype representing a unique niche of creation. The ancient texts say that the planets exist "to bestow upon all living beings the fruits of their karma, defeat the demons and restore righteousness."
However, as you know from life experience, to experience "the fruits of your karma" is not always a pleasant experience, and can easily be confused for punishment.
Just so with your internal family. There are no bad parts! Each part intends something positive for the system. However, the strategies these parts (or planets) use enact that positive intent often has harmful impact.
The practice of IFSS is to negotiate with these parts and offer them the opportunity to perform their preferred role.
Benefits of Internal Family Solar Systems include:
Soften the tone of your inner conversation to experience greater Self-love and compassion.
Nurture and re-parent your inner child to heal old wounds and embody your most authentic, adult Self.
Resolve inner contradictions and conflict to make important decisions with clarity and confidence.
Enjoy more harmonious social, romantic and familial relationships, creating connection through curiosity.
Remain calm amidst chaos and find creative responses to challenging circumstances.
Multi Dimensional Essentials
A Masterclass in Metaphysics, answering questions like:
How exactly does spirit become matter?
What is a dimension? How many are there? What are the qualities of each?
How does astrology work, according to modern astrophysics?
How can you use sound and geometry for Self-healing and wholeness?
How can understanding electromagnetic fields enhance your manifestation process?
What on Earth is going on? Why does life feel so chaotic right now and what's the remedy?
Multi Dimensional Essentials consists of 30+ short video lessons leading you step-by-step into a new paradigm, offering a fresh lens through which to view the world and deepen your relationship with the whole cosmos.